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C_L_I_X's Moderator Application

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C_L_I_X's Moderator Application  Empty C_L_I_X's Moderator Application

Post  C_L_I_X Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:32 pm

How old are you?: 15

How long have you been playing on Platelamp's Survival? (List playtime/Plate Points): I've played since last year a couple of months before the server went down.

List experience: I've been playing minecraft since 1.4 beta. I've ran my own server from my own computer with a couple of friends.

If you have no experience moderating, tell me why you would be a good moderator: I know the game, I'm a fair person and nice.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I don't really have a good reason, i just like managing things.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-06-14

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