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Donation Rewards Ideas

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Donation Rewards Ideas  Empty Donation Rewards Ideas

Post  jon214thab Wed May 30, 2012 6:39 pm


-Donor Title/Donor Group Name color
-1 Protected home

-Donor Title/Donor Group Name color
-2 Protected homes
-1 Full Set of Armor or Tools (Iron)

-VIP Donor Title/ VIP Donor Group Name Color
-3 Protected homes
-Full Armor Set and Tools
-/Warp Command


Castle Pack
-64 Stone Bricks
-64 Stone
-64 Glass
-64 Iron Bars
-x2 Stacks of Cobblestone
-32 Moss Stone

Glutton Pack
-20 Cooked Pork
-30 Bread
-20 Cooked Beef
-10 Cakes
-25 Cooked Chickens
-10 Cookies
-10 Apples
-12 Mushroom Soup

Nether Delight
-64 Netherack
-64 Glowstone
-32 Soul Sand
-20 Nether Fence
-20 Nether Stairs
-40 Nether Bricks
-2 Lava Buckets

Starter Pack
-Iron Pick
-Iron Shovel
-Iron Axe
-30 Wood Blocks
-10 cooked pork
-15 Iron Bars
-64 Torches
-25 Coal

Farmer Jon's Pack
-25 Saplings
-25 Sugar Cane
-35 Seeds
-Iron Hoe
-Iron Axe
-10 Melon Seeds
-10 Pumpkin Seeds
-15 Bonemeal

-Land Flattening
-Custom Title
-Single Item purchases (Could be a stack or two for nonrare items, smaller amounts for rarer items. This would be our 1$-3$ Range)
-Teleportation Tickets

-Borrowed some of the ideas from other server donation rewards.
-We can create more packs. I think their should be a monthly reward for the top donor each month.
-Donor rewards can be bought as gifts.

Posts : 24
Join date : 2012-05-21
Age : 32
Location : California

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