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Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT)

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Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT) Empty Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT)

Post  Admin Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:27 pm

1500 - Enchanted Chainmail Armor Set (Looks awesome, and has best possible enchantments/Bragging rights) 250 hours playtime.

600 - Region protected Area - 100 hours playtime

400 - Enchanted pickaxe - 67 hours playtime.

300 - Enchanted Sword - 50 hours playtime

200 - Enchanted Axe - 33 hours playtime

150 - 2500 EXP (About 25 levels) - 25 hours playtime

100 - Enchanted Shovel - 17 hours playtime

85 - 10 Diamonds - 12 Hours playtime

60 - 40 Gold Ingots - 10 hours playtime

50 - 65 Iron Ingots - 8 Hours playtime

Is this starting to look fair? What do you guys think? If anyone has any ideas on how the points should be used, it would be awesome to hear. Thanks.

(These are not milestones. You must Choose what to spend your points on. Also determined upon legitimacy. I know when you are AFK. And my mods will tell me as well. Very Happy )

Last edited by Admin on Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:40 am; edited 1 time in total

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Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT) Empty Re: Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT)

Post  recede Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:13 pm

I've said it before and i'll say it again.. In real life commitment/value should not equate to in-server value. ie; Donating for diamonds/items should not be allowed. Money should not be able to buy what only effort and a pinch of luck can buy.
The same goes for essentially getting rewarded for being logged onto the server. This is silly, in my opinion, because at least when donating you're earning the money you used to donate, in real life in a job [or similar] and thus its effort->-effort conversion.
But rewarding people for being /afk [People will just do this, believe me] is rewarding items which are usually effort gained by doing no effort at all.

The economy, which is growing slowly, as more players are joining, will also be hit hard by the sudden influx of diamonds into the server.. This is because:
Lets say there are 500 incredibly valuable cheese sandwiches that are available for people to acquire randomly every time they go to work.
Each time someone gets one, that cheese sandwich becomes less valuable, right? But everytime they go to work, they're putting in effort at a chance at getting that beloved, fabled cheese sandwich?
Now lets say, someone is making counterfeit cheese sandwiches, introducing more into the market and thus making them more "affordable" and less rare.
You'd be very annoyed if you had some of these cheese sandwiches, right? Because by printing more, you're directly lowering the value of the cheese sandwiches in the market.

Now one could argue that "oh well its all luck anyway" but it isnt, because in order to qualify to get that delicious cheese sandwich, you need to go to work [mining] and risk getting hit by a car [creeper] and other similar shenanigans. This is a risk-reward system that is what minecraft is well known for.
In order to heighten your chances of survival you need armour and tools.
Armour and tools are made with ores.
To get ores you need to heighten your chances of survival.
Its a loop. You build up to the next tier, to build up to the next tier, to build up to the next tier, etc
Now you'd be really annoyed if as opposed to working their way up through the levels of items, someone just decided to /afk for a few days and was then walking around with items, wouldnt you?

So do the server a favor and for the love of god, don't make items loyalty rewards.
-Specific enchantments
-More /home's
-Titles "Junior __" "Senior __" "Elder __" "Sage __" etc
-Home protections

This'd compliment the donation system very well, because you're essentially saying
"You can either play the server for 500 hours, or you can just donate $10 and get all the benefits quickly. Think of it al a Battlefield-3-shortcut-kit system"

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Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT) Empty Re: Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT)

Post  Byrd Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:54 pm

I agree with Recede, we shouldn't under any circumstance give out items just because you play for a while. Plate said that you wont get loyalty points for being AFK, what does the computer classify as AFK? I could just put a weight on my w key and trap myself in a 2x1 hole, which would probably be considered not AFK.

Onto Recede's recommendations...

-EXP rewards seems like it could hurt in the long run, however If its just one exp reward every hundred or so hours, I don't think it would make a noticeable difference. 20 Levels for every 100 hours?

-Specific Enchantments? I'm not sure what you mean by this but I don't think you should have to play for a certain number of hours to get access to Silk Touch for example.

-More "/home"s, I could see this being cool, but confusing to keep track of, maybe a maximum of 3 "/home"s set up like "/home" "/home2" "/home3"

-Titles... we have enough titles already, I don't think anyone wants to have to skip to halfway through the chat line to read someone's message

-I definitely disagree with having the same rewards as someone who donated. I think if you donate you should have access to certain privileges and you if you've played for a long time, have access to different privileges.

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Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT) Empty Re: Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT)

Post  ChimneySocks Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:43 pm

Maybe make it like a raffle where so many points equal entries or something. That way, you'd be giving out less items. Or something like that, Idk

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Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT) Empty Re: Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT)

Post  recede Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:32 am

Onto Recede's recommendations...

"-EXP rewards seems like it could hurt in the long run, however If its just one exp reward every hundred or so hours, I don't think it would make a noticeable difference. 20 Levels for every 100 hours?"

The rate at which experience is granted would have to be balanced, of course, but this is up to plate. Exp is ultimately useless unless you've got the equipment worth enchanting anyway.

"-Specific Enchantments? I'm not sure what you mean by this but I don't think you should have to play for a certain number of hours to get access to Silk Touch for example."
That's what I was getting at - Rather than risk 25 exp levels on a chance to get like, fortune III, unbreaking III and Effi III you could just do a "safer" method, and spend your loyalty on fortune II alone, or silk touch III alone, etc, if you see what I mean?

"-More "/home"s, I could see this being cool, but confusing to keep track of, maybe a maximum of 3 "/home"s set up like "/home" "/home2" "/home3"
There is a way to set it so people can type /sethome dicks
and then /home dicks etc so that they can have 3/4 different sethomes with names. Examples being like; /sethome mine /sethome dungeon /sethome hidden room

"-Titles... we have enough titles already, I don't think anyone wants to have to skip to halfway through the chat line to read someone's message"
Players could choose a loyalty title or a donator title. Loyalty titles would be uncoloured, and even if using a loyalty title donators would also still have the ~$~ tag.

"-I definitely disagree with having the same rewards as someone who donated. I think if you donate you should have access to certain privileges and you if you've played for a long time, have access to different privileges."
You're welcome to disagree, but there's only so many privileges available in minecraft. There's only so many things you can offer before they'll start to clash, and realistically, playing a server for 500 hours is much more of a show of loyalty than donating $5..

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Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT) Empty Re: Plate Points Reward Model (ROUGH DRAFT)

Post  Admin Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:31 am

I'm impressed. These were the kinds of responses I was looking for. Well played ladies and gentlemen. You have convinced me to leave items out of the equation. However, I will now have to come up with a new model. Unfortunatley, the loyalty points plugin does not support AFK awareness at the moment, but the plugin is being developed and the dev said he was implementing it....So my eyes will stay on it.

In the case of people abusing the system by going AFK...I haven't seen any massive log hours nor have I logged on and seen any one person just there not responding. What I mean is, if someone is on, they aren't AFK trying to beat the system. At least yet.

I'll conjure up a new model today, and get it back to you guys so you can check it out.



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