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Recede's treasure hunt! [Event][Giveaway][Treasure][Swag]

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Recede's treasure hunt! [Event][Giveaway][Treasure][Swag] Empty Recede's treasure hunt! [Event][Giveaway][Treasure][Swag]

Post  recede Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:48 pm

Starting today I will be distributing chests around the vicinity of spawn with goodies in them. Your goodies could range from 5 iron to a full enchanted diamond armour set.

All rewards/prizes are personally funded by me and my supplies of items. No creative is or will be used.

Every few hours I will dump another chest full of goodies.
The clues will be redstone torches. Goodluck, ladies and gentlemen.

Recede's treasure hunt has begun!

Posts : 61
Join date : 2012-04-20
Age : 74
Location : Wales. Land of sheep.

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Recede's treasure hunt! [Event][Giveaway][Treasure][Swag] Empty Re: Recede's treasure hunt! [Event][Giveaway][Treasure][Swag]

Post  recede Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:10 am

Current wealth distribution with no chests so far found:
64 diamonds.
128 gold.
320 iron.
Melon blocks, Redstone, Junk, Bones, Redstone torches etc are scattered around too.
There are only about 10 chests.
All contain at least 1 diamond.
All are within 150 blocks of spawn. None are "buried".
ALL are clearly marked with redstone torches. Some are hidden, though. ie; Under cliffs, behind drop-offs as you leave spawn.. Some are close to spawn. High. Low.
Some are a little further. Some you can see from spawn. Some you have to be looking towards spawn to see.


Posts : 61
Join date : 2012-04-20
Age : 74
Location : Wales. Land of sheep.

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Recede's treasure hunt! [Event][Giveaway][Treasure][Swag] Empty Re: Recede's treasure hunt! [Event][Giveaway][Treasure][Swag]

Post  Byrd Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:27 am

All your diamonds are belong to me.

And done. Thanks.

Posts : 69
Join date : 2012-04-20
Age : 31
Location : Missouri, USA

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Recede's treasure hunt! [Event][Giveaway][Treasure][Swag] Empty Re: Recede's treasure hunt! [Event][Giveaway][Treasure][Swag]

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