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Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck.

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Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck. Empty Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck.

Post  Admin Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:36 pm

I am enlightened by the sudden success of the server as well as the isntant loyalty and citzenship displayed by the already regular players. I would like to take this moment to recognize some players of the new community and highlight some donators!

Chimneysocks - My inspiration to begin the server, and trusted adminstrator, as well as real life best friend.

KnowinglyUnknown - Awesome moderator and great loyal player. Glad to have ya.

IByrdl - Donated 10 bucks today, and is showing awesome loyalty and investment in the server!
Mew93 - Donated 5 bucks today, also showing awesome loyalty and inveestment in the server!
Recede - Donated 3 bucks today, and has also been showing great loyalty, as well as began her pre-modship for our first time-difference moderator. Nice job Jen/Stick/Recede.

Continue the awesome. Also you can find the server now on at this link :

Go on the minecraft forums and throw it EVERYWHERE! Lets get this community sparked.

Posts : 79
Join date : 2012-04-20

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Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck. Empty Re: Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck.

Post  recede Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:50 pm

Admin wrote:
Chimneysocks - Everything an admin should be. Zoidberg skin scares the shit outta me. Good friend.

KnowinglyUnknown - First server friend! Probably the reason i'm still here. Props to Cam. <3

IByrdl - Will turn water to wine with his redstone wizardry. Awesome guy.
Mew93 - The campest straight person ever. Ever. Neil-Patrick-Harrisey of Minecraft.
Recede - Sxc. Belongs to Sophie. Queen of Platelamp.

Platelamp - My favourite utter pain in the arse. We all owe a lot to him. I wouldnt have met any of you amazing people without his server. Props to him.
Even if he is a pain in the arse.

What you, guys, my friends mean to me.

Last edited by recede on Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 61
Join date : 2012-04-20
Age : 73
Location : Wales. Land of sheep.

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Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck. Empty Re: Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck.

Post  Admin Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:54 pm

what? lol

Posts : 79
Join date : 2012-04-20

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Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck. Empty Re: Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck.

Post  recede Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:00 pm

You're just mad that i'm the queen of Platelamp, not you. You do look better in a dress than me though.

Posts : 61
Join date : 2012-04-20
Age : 73
Location : Wales. Land of sheep.

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Post  Mew93 Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:29 pm

Wait, what is pre-modship? study

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Age : 31
Location : Someplace wishing it was snowy

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Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck. Empty Re: Awesomeness. News, whateverthefuck.

Post  recede Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:39 pm

Well its the testing period before someone is made into a fully fledged moderator.
.. Right?

Posts : 61
Join date : 2012-04-20
Age : 73
Location : Wales. Land of sheep.

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Post  ChimneySocks Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:26 pm

Sort of a trial period.

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Join date : 2012-04-20
Age : 34
Location : Austin, TX

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