Platelamp's Survival Minecraft Forum
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So, yea...

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So, yea... Empty So, yea...

Post  KnowinglyUnknown Fri May 18, 2012 11:34 pm

I know I haven't been very active, but there is a reasoning behind it! Finals week killed me and made it hard for me to do any gaming at all.

And now, I'll be gone for 2 more weeks. Tomorrow, I leave for Ireland. We'll be over there for a couple weeks, which means I'll be pretty busy. So yea...

See you all in a couple weeks when I get back!

Posts : 26
Join date : 2012-04-20
Age : 101
Location : The sun

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So, yea... Empty Re: So, yea...

Post  jon214thab Mon May 21, 2012 6:14 pm

Best of luck, I know how killer finals can be.

Posts : 24
Join date : 2012-05-21
Age : 32
Location : California

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