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This title wasn't long enough so it is now. Empty This title wasn't long enough so it is now.

Post  joejoejrshab Sun May 20, 2012 12:26 pm



Last edited by joejoejrshab on Sun May 20, 2012 12:55 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post  Shai Sun May 20, 2012 12:29 pm


Changed my mind. Entered the server as guest and didn't get a very nice welcome nor a positive impression of the community.

Sadly, I'm not interested in servers with moderators that abuse their powers and threaten to kick or ban people for using emoticons. My friend got treated the same way. If this is how new players get welcomed to a server, I don't want to be part of it.

Take care.

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Post  Admin Sun May 20, 2012 6:14 pm

Can you elaborate a little more on what happened please? Who? When?

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This title wasn't long enough so it is now. Empty Re: This title wasn't long enough so it is now.

Post  Shai Mon May 21, 2012 11:05 am

Byrd, not entirely positive about his name, kicked me and my friend yesterday for using an emoticon.

He commented at us at how lame this emoticon was and that we pissed him off. Personally, I can't see how just a simple emoticon can piss anyone off and why we would get kicked for using it. Both of us are rather chatty persons, and emoticons are part of it, so we're used to using them quite often. Apparently he didn't like us using the emoticon and therefor we got rudely kicked.

As a moderator, I expect some maturity. Kicking someone for a silly reason such as that person using an emoticon, is far away from mature. I don't know how you feel about this, but I consider this ridiculous. If this is how guests, and possible new players, get treated the first time they get on the server, it's not very tempting to stay there. I rather go look for a new server without a moderator that abuses his powers for silly reasons. I even got said that ''I'd regret it''. Which I see as a treat to kick me again or even ban me. Banning and kicking someone for using an emoticon? I'm not sure what to think about this. But I do know that I rather not spend my time on a server with a immature moderator like that.

That's pretty much my side of the story.

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Post  Byrd Mon May 21, 2012 5:39 pm

And here's my side of the story.

I get on, and 2 guests are on the server, I say hi or something like that, tell them that I can't make them members, and only Plate or Chimney can so they will have to wait. I go on about my business and notice that one of them is using an emoticon every few sentences. After a few minutes of the conversation he was having with another player on the server I said, "PLEASE STOP USING SMILEYS EVERY DAMN SENTENCE. IT'S ANNOYING!" So he stopped for the majority, which I appreciated.

A few minutes later, the other guest started JUST posting emoticons, majority of them were "o . o". So I asked him to stop, and he replied with something like "My friend told me you don't like it when people do that". Again I asked him to stop, and he continued, so I kicked him, which as we all know is really just a slap on the wrist because you can join right back in. He rejoined upset, I told him that if he kept doing it, he would regret it. I only meant this in a jokingly manner, because I only intended to use the punish command and make him dizzy. After that, he quit.

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This title wasn't long enough so it is now. Empty Re: This title wasn't long enough so it is now.

Post  joejoejrshab Tue May 22, 2012 12:07 pm

Byrd wrote:And here's my side of the story.

I get on, and 2 guests are on the server, I say hi or something like that, tell them that I can't make them members, and only Plate or Chimney can so they will have to wait. I go on about my business and notice that one of them is using an emoticon every few sentences. After a few minutes of the conversation he was having with another player on the server I said, "PLEASE STOP USING SMILEYS EVERY DAMN SENTENCE. IT'S ANNOYING!" So he stopped for the majority, which I appreciated.

A few minutes later, the other guest started JUST posting emoticons, majority of them were "o . o". So I asked him to stop, and he replied with something like "My friend told me you don't like it when people do that". Again I asked him to stop, and he continued, so I kicked him, which as we all know is really just a slap on the wrist because you can join right back in. He rejoined upset, I told him that if he kept doing it, he would regret it. I only meant this in a jokingly manner, because I only intended to use the punish command and make him dizzy. After that, he quit.
First of all, I never remember you saying you couldn't add us as members, and platelamp himself was on at one point so that doesn't matter. I'm not an impatient person and would've happily waited a day or so to be added. We were just walking around the spawn and talking on skype for the most part. However, more so what annoyed me was your overreaction to everything, including a silly sarcastic "Problem?" resulting in a kick. It's not so much the reaction as the constant abuse of power that I saw from you that rather put me off the server quickly. People who are put in a position of power should be a bit more mature in my honest opinion. And thus, both my friend and I have been rather put off this server, and have no reason to really return as we've found one elsewhere. That's all I'd like to say.

Also, this is for Byrd- :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3


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This title wasn't long enough so it is now. Empty Re: This title wasn't long enough so it is now.

Post  Shai Tue May 22, 2012 12:10 pm

Byrd wrote:I get on, and 2 guests are on the server, I say hi or something like that, tell them that I can't make them members, and only Plate or Chimney can so they will have to wait. I go on about my business and notice that one of them is using an emoticon every few sentences. After a few minutes of the conversation he was having with another player on the server I said, "PLEASE STOP USING SMILEYS EVERY DAMN SENTENCE. IT'S ANNOYING!" So he stopped for the majority, which I appreciated.

I can't really confirm this 'cause I wasn't online at that moment. I'm aware of my friend being on for a couple of minutes before I got there, but I'm not aware of the exact details of the conversation that the two of you had.

Byrd wrote:A few minutes later, the other guest started JUST posting emoticons, majority of them were "o . o". So I asked him to stop, and he replied with something like "My friend told me you don't like it when people do that".

First, I used this emoticon exactly one time. If you don't believe me, feel free to check the chat log. You won't see me using that exact emoticon twice. Second, I'm not a 'him'. It's a habit of just using emotes 'cause I don't really say anything in chat considering I only talk to my friend. Who I talk to in call. As it's impossible to say an emoticon, I simply type it. This is the first time I ever met anyone having a problem with me using an emoticon. And this time I only used it once before being consulted with a rude comment about it being lame.

Byrd wrote:Again I asked him to stop, and he continued, so I kicked him, which as we all know is really just a slap on the wrist because you can join right back in.

You, sir, did not ask me to stop twice. After I said ''My friend told me you don't like it when people do that'' (which is not the entirely correct sentence that I typed, but I'll let it pass) , you immediately kicked me. I didn't expect you to come up with lies, sir. Again, if you don't believe me, feel free to check the chat log.

Byrd wrote:He rejoined upset, I told him that if he kept doing it, he would regret it. I only meant this in a jokingly manner, because I only intended to use the punish command and make him dizzy. After that, he quit.

Upset, not quite. I simply don't accept people abusing their powers for no proper reason. Especially if afterwards they make things up that have not happened. Such as me continuing to use that exact same emoticon. Which again, I only used once.

So, now that I've read your side of the story, I'm positive that I don't want to join this server. Why? 'Cause your side isn't completely honest and I'm sure that you're not a fool, and pretty much know yourself that your side isn't that honest. Again, if you have any doubts, feel free to check the chat log. As I'm positive that someone can not make changes to it.

I am kind of disappointed to be accused of having spammed it, while again, I only used it one time. And this time, I am indeed, pissed off. I don't take a liking to people that try to turn things to their own favor by being dishonest.

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Post  Admin Tue May 22, 2012 1:58 pm

I have an idea...

How about I desregaurd this entire ridiculous arguement and we start fresh. If you 2 would like to be members, please let me know.

I'm sure Ibyrdl will be fine with a fresh start, and obviously a simple misunderstanding from both sides.

Should the two guest decide to become members, please let me know, and I will change that immediatley.


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Post  joejoejrshab Tue May 22, 2012 2:44 pm

Feel free to make us members but unless something happens to the server we're currently playing on, I don't know how likely it is that we end up playing there.


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