Platelamp's Survival Minecraft Forum
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Found something amazing while exploring the jungle for a good place for my new house...

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Found something amazing while exploring the jungle for a good place for my new house... Empty Found something amazing while exploring the jungle for a good place for my new house...

Post  Byrd Tue May 01, 2012 6:19 pm

I assume this is an old build and the owner is long gone from the server?


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Age : 31
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Found something amazing while exploring the jungle for a good place for my new house... Empty Re: Found something amazing while exploring the jungle for a good place for my new house...

Post  Admin Wed May 02, 2012 1:02 pm

what is that

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Found something amazing while exploring the jungle for a good place for my new house... Empty Re: Found something amazing while exploring the jungle for a good place for my new house...

Post  Byrd Wed May 02, 2012 2:09 pm

A tower of some sort, I'm surprised you never knew it existed.

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Age : 31
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Found something amazing while exploring the jungle for a good place for my new house... Empty Re: Found something amazing while exploring the jungle for a good place for my new house...

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