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Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone..

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Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone.. Empty Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone..

Post  recede Mon May 07, 2012 11:59 am

Banned that new player bioshock487. Do I have proof? No.
Am I trusting my instincts? Yes. Have they been wrong before? No. They were right.

-Spawn is covered in lava
-My house and all my items are gone
-He is the newest player and was online for less than an hour. In the hour he was online, this grief happened. Not sure who else has suffered, so check your shit people.
Pictures below..

Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone.. NBeWj

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Age : 74
Location : Wales. Land of sheep.

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Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone.. Empty Re: Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone..

Post  Admin Mon May 07, 2012 12:59 pm

This is interesting, because this player was not even on the whitelist....

Posts : 79
Join date : 2012-04-20

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Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone.. Empty Re: Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone..

Post  KnowinglyUnknown Mon May 07, 2012 4:27 pm

There are ways to circumnavigate a white list.

And my library was raped as well. So yea, that sucks.

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Age : 101
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Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone.. Empty Re: Spawn griefed, my house gone, my items gone..

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