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Noves_Cosha's Moderator Application

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Noves_Cosha's Moderator Application Empty Noves_Cosha's Moderator Application

Post  Noves_Cosha Tue Jun 12, 2012 1:52 pm

How old are you?:13

How long have you been playing on Platelamp's Survival? (List playtime/Plate Points): I've played a bit before the reset, but after the reset I really started playing, Now I have 753 plate points.

List experience: Moderating two terraria servers, my cousins minecraft server, my own server and one more minecraft server.
If you have no experience moderating, tell me why you would be a good moderator:

Why do you want to be a moderator? I've just been so fed up with all the goddamn trolls and hackers. It's annoying not being able to do anything against them, and just having to wait them out. And when we do get a griefer, I want to be able to ban them quickly. Most of the time I've been on the server I've been active, or at least semi-active, not xp grinding.

If there's random segments of text somewhere in this, I apologize. My mouse keeps spazzing out ever since I spilled tea into my keyboard. Just random convulsions, makes typing a pain in the ass.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-04-28

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Noves_Cosha's Moderator Application Empty Re: Noves_Cosha's Moderator Application

Post  Noves_Cosha Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:44 am

Nevermind, since plate should be back soon and don is on a lot, It doesn't really matter


Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-04-28

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