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Presume's Moderator Application

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Presume's Moderator Application Empty Presume's Moderator Application

Post  Admin Mon May 14, 2012 2:07 pm

How old are you?: I'm young, turning 15 on May 22nd.

How long have you been playing on Platelamp's Survival? (List playtime/Plate Points): I started playing very recently, but I try to be as active as possible. As of now, I have 9 Plate points, and I will continue to update this post as that number goes up. (This system was implemented just one hour ago, therefore everyone has low Plate points )

List experience: Acting as a Moderator on one of my friends old semi-Vanilla servers as well

If you have no experience moderating, tell me why you would be a good moderator: I'll ignore the first part of the question, I can be a good moderator because I actively play, and I try to be as helpful as possible to new comers and veteran players.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be a moderator mainly because I think that the position is highly regarded. It would be nice to become a moderator as I generally dedicate my time to getting things done correctly.

Posts : 79
Join date : 2012-04-20

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Presume's Moderator Application Empty Re: Presume's Moderator Application

Post  Admin Mon May 14, 2012 2:08 pm

Moved your application Presume:

I am in consideration. I will collaborate with other moderators and my administrator.

Posts : 79
Join date : 2012-04-20

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Presume's Moderator Application Empty Re: Presume's Moderator Application

Post  Presume Sat May 19, 2012 11:29 pm

Hey guys!

So I haven't been on a WHOLE lot, and that is due to school... (argh..!!) but yeah! The server is epic, everyone is awesome, and I'm looking forward to amazing times here.

By the way, from now on I'll be leaving out my Loyalty Points thing, because most of the time right now I'm afking for exp grinding, and it's not a legit number of how "loyal" I am.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2012-05-13

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