Platelamp's Survival Minecraft Forum
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Jon214thab Moderator application

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Jon214thab Moderator application  Empty Jon214thab Moderator application

Post  jon214thab Wed May 30, 2012 5:35 pm

How old are you?: 20

How long have you been playing on Platelamp's Survival? (List playtime/Plate Points): Pretty much non stop for over a week now. I have not seen anything pertaining to plate points.

List experience:
-Ran Minecraft server (2011)
-Run Steam group (2012)
-Run 2 Facebook groups (2011-2012)
-Moderator on "The Dragon's Den" Private server [closed] (2011)
-Ran a private play by post RPing forum (2010)

Why do you want to be a moderator?:

I am not new to gaming or being part of an online community. I really like this server and have invested a good deal of my time on it now. I feel that I could make a good member of the moderation team, and would do my best in whatever position I was assigned.

Posts : 24
Join date : 2012-05-21
Age : 32
Location : California

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